J Trademark 1037
J Trademark 1037
AAA REG #: 20160403
DOB: 01/18/2021
CED +11 | BW .1 | WW +83 | YW +154 | MILK +31 | $W +94| $M 95 | $C 346
Sire: Sitz Resilient 10208
Dam: Mill Brae Iden Georgina 4086
The newest herd bull in the Coleman program that was selected as the $165,000 top-selling bull with Conley Cattle of Sulphur, Oklahoma from the Cattleman's Cut Sale in Nebraska. He is a heifer bull with added performance and is the highest $C son of Sitz Resilient 10208 in the breed and ranks in the top 1% for $M. He comes to us with an outcross pedigree with tremendous phenotype. His mother is a tremendous producer with six head at 103 on weaning and a calving interval of 347 on six head and stems from a long line of productive Georgina females, that have longevity.
* For Volume Discounts - Please Contact the ranch at 406.644.2697
* Semen is stored at World West Sire Services, customer is responsible for paying any shipping costs directly to WWSS.
* A 10 straw minimum purchase is required on all Coleman Angus Bulls.
* Coleman Angus cannot guarantee Next Day Delivery on Semen Orders.
* Free Shipping on orders that total $1,000.00 or more